Residency In-training Exams

ABFAS offers our In-training Exam (ITE) to podiatry residents each fall to help assess the progress of training and education at podiatric surgical residency programs approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education (CPME). Exam results help assess residents’ strengths and weaknesses and identify subject areas that may require more study. 


The Benefits of the ABFAS In-training Examination

Here are some of the many benefits of the ITE:

  • Exam experience – When you take the ABFAS ITE, you will gain experience with the multiple‐choice didactic computer adaptive test (CAT) and the computer‐based patient simulation (CBPS) examinations.
  • Opportunity to improve test scores – Most residents find that their scores increase as they progress through their residency program.
  • Invaluable knowledge – The experience and knowledge you’ll gain by taking the ITE provide unparalleled preparation for ABFAS Board Qualification and Board Certification examinations.
  • Streamlined certification process – You can use your final year ITE towards your board certification if you achieve a passing score.

Taking the ITE is the best way to assure you’ll realize the full value of the examinations, and you’ll be well prepared for success if you decide to take the ABFAS Board Qualification examinations. Data shows that residents who pass their Board Qualification examinations soon after completing residency are more likely to successfully complete the Board Certification process.

Learn more about the benefits of ABFAS Board Certification.

In-Training Examination Guide

Originally developed for Residency Directors, this guide covers the basics you will need before taking the ITE, including:

  • The ITE structure
  • Exam preparation advice
  • Scoring
  • Registration and scheduling information
  • What to expect on exam day